UNDRR Technical Forum on Sendai Framework Monitoring: Exploring Applications of Sendai Framework Monitoring Data

2022-04-25 15:21      來(lái)源:UNDRR

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction organized a “Technical Forum on Sendai Framework Monitoring” bringing together the Sendai Framework focal points from Member States, National Statistical Offices and line ministries involved in Sendai Monitoring and/or disaster-related statistics, UN organizations who are supporting the Member States in this process and who are also potential users of the monitoring data, and stakeholders and international organizations with an interest in disaster and climate risk and impact analytics.

The Forum saw presentations of good practices in national reporting on the Sendai Framework implementation, explored current and potential applications of Sendai Framework monitoring data, and tackled the central role of disaster-related statistics in scaling up and strengthening risk governance at the regional and national levels. Furthermore, it addressed how to transition from data collection to analysis and decision-making for climate and disaster risk resilient development.

The Sendai Framework monitoring process provides an opportunity for the UN Member States to benchmark, measure, and concretely track their progress in disaster risk reduction. Since its launch in 2018, more than 150 countries have reported on at least one of seven Sendai Framework targets. UNDRR has used this information to develop analytical reports on the progress in the implementation of the Sendai Framework and related SDG targets.

However, the aim of the Sendai Framework Monitor extends beyond compliance in reporting and assessing progress. It is also a means to provide an analytical and evidence base for risk-informed planning through garnering statistically rigorous and government-owned data. It also demonstrates applications in the development and humanitarian spheres.

Source:United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction


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